Full display

This page is displayed when clicking on a search result, or directly if there is only one entry matching the search query.

List which items are displayed:

  • For user entry :

$display_items = array('firstname', 'lastname', 'title', 'businesscategory', 'employeenumber', 'employeetype', 'mail', 'phone', 'mobile', 'fax', 'postaladdress', 'street', 'postalcode', 'l', 'state', 'manager', 'secretary', 'organizationalunit', 'organization', 'description' );
  • For group entry :

$display_group_items = array('fullname', 'description', 'member', 'uniquemember', 'memberof');

Set which item is used as title :

$display_title = "fullname";

Display or not undefined values in full display :

$display_show_undefined = false;

Add an “edit” button to link to another application that can modify the entry :

$display_edit_link = "http://ldapadmin.example.com/?dn={dn}


Use {dn} to pass entry DN as parameter