
Default photo

Configure which file is used as default photo :

$default_photo = "images/240px-PICA.jpg";

LDAP attribute

Set the name of the LDAP attribute where photo is stored :

$photo_ldap_attribute = "jpegPhoto";

Fixed size

It is possible to resize all photos to a defined width and/or height :

$photo_fixed_width = 240;
$photo_fixed_height = 240;

Local photos

This is possible to load a local photo from file if photo is not found in LDAP directory.

Directory where photo are stored (relative to htdocs/ directory) :

$photo_local_directory = "../photos/";

LDAP attribute that is used as photo file name :

$photo_local_ldap_attribute = "uid";

File extenstion (with the dot) :

$photo_local_extension = ".jpg";